Weekly Tarot by Aruuna(14th March -21st March)
- Health
- 14 Mar,2021

ARIESThis week you look quite over booked with work and surely is about to get in place soon.You will be Busy organising your yourself to overvome the burden of responsibility you have on you.Your hardwork will be rewarded for sure.Release yourself from unwanted occupancies which is not serving you.Be happy and enjoy the rewards of organised planning which made you get through.Lucky color:OrangeTAURUSThis week you shall be focusing on your collaborations and team work will be rewarded.Show your creative side to bring more clearity to your work as well personal life.Do discuss your campaign with your team to get wonderful results.Show interest in others so that people also respond back the same.Be open to love and greet people.Accept the changes so that you get blessings in return.Plan your expenses.You might tend to spend more than needed.Lucky color:Hot PinkCANCERYou are on the berch of new things coming your way.You journey has begun towards new phase of life so it's very important that you think before what you do.Be wise to your self and take guidance from people who love you and care for you.If any past attachments are their then better release them as they don't serve you anymore.Take a better approch in your life and if any questions bothering you then meditate to look for answers.check your helath specially stomachLucky color:Blue, yellowGEMINIEIt's time to begin your life with new spirit. Any plans you wanted to proceed can be executed now.Be grounded and comfortable.Give a positive approach.Any new investment needs money so be little more organised and focused.Any thing which you holding let it go so that new things can walk it,be it be job, relationship,friends.Lucky color:Yellow, PurpleLEORelease your inner fears as you have the ability to do things your way.Its not necessary to please people all the time.Unleash and see the world with your own perspective as you have your dreams to accomplish. Be connected spirituality and ask in prayers and god blesssings will pour in.People are around you to help you and guide you.Belive in the divine timings.Lucky color:OrangeVIRGOThis doesn't seems the way you look at.Bring in the vision to look at things other way round.All that glitter is not gold all the time.So beware of people who trick you.Work has been always an issue so you shall be clicking to a better idea and if you looking something new to work on then better train your self and then start.Stop beating around the bush.Lucky color:Hot pinkLIBRAThis balanced state of mind and power to get things done your way is excellent.The nature of overanalyzing things or problem will not serve the purpose.Take a decision and work on it.Sometimes compromise is the answer.So,better look for a way out rather than riding the chariot your way.Lucky color:BlueSCORPIOWhat is that you confused.You seem to be juggling with your thoughts and creating unwanted negativity.Keep a check on people around and learn to recognise your own people.Dont doudt who had been always their for you.Ne intact and one with yourself. Say what you feel as open communication will clear up all the doudts.Lucky color:Red,BlueSAGITTARIUSSomething you had been waiting eagerly is fulfilled.You look high on emotions as what you wanted is about to happen.Follow your intuition and believe in divine timings.Lot of things are going on and sudden results will astonish you.Some important things coming your way.Keep intact with your mails, messages.Its international travel this time.Lucky color:Orange,redCAPRICORNWhat is it bothering you this week? Answers are within you and search what is your heart desire. Work on yourself as you just in the superficial phase without realising the repurcussions.It important that you face things boldly and make ambitious choices.You have great collaboration with people who share your vision.Lucky color:light greenAQUARIANIt's a beautiful week ahead.All surrounded with luxury, shopping.You are guided with reliable male energy.Financially you are secured and investments pay off.If any gambling with money then take a closer look on it .Stand for right and equality.Dont give up on your plans.Lucky color:purplePISCESYour creative mode is on.So contend and happy time of your life.You excel and achieve what you work for.New thi gs are pouring in may be new projects or relationships.You rule this week but it's very important that you recheck what you working for. Bring more clearity on things.Be courageous while taking decisions so that situation may change for betterment.Lucky color:yellow,Oxford blue
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