Ozone for Life, 35 years of Ozone Layer protection "

September 16,Amrish Anand, (Jalandhar)Ms kulbir Matharu HOD Science and Coordinator of Cambridge International School Sultanpur Lodhi shared views and points about awareness to preserve Ozone Layer.September 16 was designated by the United Nation General Assembly as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It is celebrated to prevent the layer from depletion by Ozone depleting substances. Ozone is found in the stratosphere around 15-30km above the earth's surface. It covers the entire planet and protects us by absorbing harmful ultraviolet - B radiation from the Sun. These radiation or UV light reach earth's surface if Ozone Layer is depleted and causes skin cancer, eye cataracts, loss of immunity, less productivity of plants adverse effects on plastics etc. So we all must come forward to protect this for now and for future generations.For Preservation of this layer we need avoid use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's),Hydrochlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs), Halons, Methyl bromide, Carbon tetrachloride, which are mostly present in refrigerators, some Ozone depleting substances are also in insolation foams, air conditioner etc so while buying such appliances we must prefer buying those which do not have such ODS. Even during disposal of such appliances we need to follow safe and proper disposal of these which are having ODS. So we need to check for Energy Star label on these products. So lets take few steps to save Ozone protective layer for us and future generations.