Dr. Naresh Anand Appointed as President I.S.A--Punjab Chapter

Dr. Naresh Anand Appointed as President I.S.A--Punjab Chapter
Doraha, Prominent social worker and senior dentist of Doraha city and senior member of Punjab Dental Association Dr. J.L. Anand's Son Dr. Naresh Anand from Doraha, who is serving as Senior Consultant at the famous SPS Hospital, Ludhiana is Elected unanimously as the President of the Punjab-ISA society. Dr. Naresh Anand called on senior doctor Dr Tej K. Kaul,Dr Sunil Katiyal, Dr. Naveen Malhotra and Dr. S.S Bajwa and said that he will try to fulfill his responsibilities diligently. On this occasion.Dr. JL Anand, Dr.Harish Anand, Dr. Shalu Anand, Usha Vohra, Suresh Anand, Sudarshan Anand besides all the family members hailed the move. The Appointment was also welcomed by the leaders of social, religious and political organizations of the city.