Weekly Tarot by Aruna (26feburary - 4March)

Weekly Tarot by Aruna (26feburary - 4March)
ARIESThis week you will be more inclined to home and family and past financial investments made will come through.To accomplish your dreams you need to push your self more so for additional education and training to perfect your dreams .You need to revive your progress and plan for your next endeavour.Stay calm and relaxed.I see your materialistic needs getting fulfilled in magical amd unexpected ways.Be kind and humble.Act of giving and receiving with a greatful heart.You charm in hot pink colour.TAURUSThis week bring an opportunity to reschedule your plans so better follow your intuition and face your fears and grow stronger.what all you had been dreaming will surely come true if you believe in yourself.Embeace the opportunities which bring changes as it will break the procastination in your plans.Be good to others and appreciate their efforts and avoid being self-centred and jelaous.Dont be bias with your old friends who always stood for you.Surely if you show the act of kindness with your true self will bring goodness to your relationships and family.Purple and green colour support you this week.GEMINIEUnnecessary worries will only bring stress.Just focus on your dreams and desires.Yoy need to bring more clearvoince to your thoughts and vision to bring relevant changes.No harm in doing things differently.Stand out and shine .You should focus on changing your life so it's better that you embrace the opportunities that bring changes.You will come to know something important which you had been Missing.You efforts will bring sudden and immediate results.Wear blue to attract goodness.CANCERAny guilt or regret with in you will be handled by universe,You just need to focus on your thoughts and desires and work for it. Your hardwork will surely pay off so don't stop following your true heart desire.This will surely end the difficult situations if you believe in yourself.Dong let anything break you so be prepared for any possibility.If you keep working on yourself then happy announcements are on the cards for you.LEOBe generous to your lov d ones.You practical and mature approach will make things beautiful.You have so much to accomplish so better pen down and make detailed plan. I also see change in job or promotion on cards.Money will inflow.Focus on all your bas work as it needs attention.Be clear about your thoughts and take action on it.Go for detoxification ,eat greens.VIRGOThis week brings an end to all suffering you had been going for past few months.Be ready for international travel.You must forgive people those who have hurt you and start new life with neutral thought process.Learn to be compassionate and believe in unconditional love.It will be better if you surround your self with wise people and always look for alternative way out for any kind of problem in life.You must mediate as it will build path to your success stories.Wear purple to accomplish your manifestation. Spiritual path will bring warmth and honour to you.SCORPIOThis week demands you to grow little more flexible to the cahbges you going through. it's a temporary transformation.Plan your expenses.You might face problems in relationships.Be bold while making decisions.Balanace is very important in life so do not over do things at works as well at home.Focus to bring Harmony to your relationships because nothing is beautiful than this.You are gentle,loving and openhearted person so invest in building healthy relationships.Follow your intuition.Be determined.Your colours this week are pink and bottle green.LIBRAYour approch towards people and situation should change so that their is no procastination in your work and relationships.Love brings peace and blessings.Spend time with your partner.Avoid being practical in love as you are blessed with the best emotional commitments.Stay positive to get best results.Avoid nagging on petty issuesas big things are coming your way.SAGITTARIUSWhat you give comes back to you "Karmas". Check your karmas this week.Flexible behaviour will bring abundance.It is very important that you plan your expenses.Mainting harmonic Relationships will be a challenge for you so it better that you be more gentle and loving towards your partner.follow your intuition to keep you safe.Yoh should focus on alternative solutions rather than nagging.Do things free minded as you are important for your loved ones.Be bold in making your choices.Bottle green is your colour this week.CAPRICORNYour perspectives need to be set right.Think before you do anything.Unnecessary worries will surround you leads to divert your focus.It better you take bold choices now to bring things in progress.Focus on home and family and follow your heart. Your kind act will bring good things in life.Be positive.Meditation brings answers.Purple colour will do wonders.AQUARIUSA new emotional experience in your life which will bring excitement in your romantic life.Its important that you don't do things to please people.Be genuine.Your generous,brave, optimistic and playful nature brings excitement in life.Oppurtunities coming your way so grab it.follow your passion.Focus on what new things are coming your way and don't procastinate because that might not come again.Listen to your intuition and face your fears and grow stronger.Wear orange to bring strength.PISCESLove is in the air.Spend time with your loved ones and make them feel special.Yoh might find difficult giving a new start to your life as you still hanging on to your past.forgivness in the answer and move on.Its important taht yoh leave release your past attachments to improve your present situation.Take rest and good sleep is important to bring freshness to you.Mediation will bring answers.Time heals all wounds.Wear blue to bring right words to express.